Friday, November 20, 2009


After running helplessly for 1 year we got the solution. We came to know that some evil powers had over come her and her legs were jammed by them. Because of which she can't walk properly.We came to know about it when a great person came in our life which is like a god for us and my whole family. GURUJI told us that she was attacked by the evil powers and he will explain all about it if we will worship GOD IN MEHNDI PUR BALAJI. We started with all the worship, me and my wife with other family members worshiped the god for 41 days (known as Parhej). During these days we are not allowed to eat healthy food.We got about some very tough time all that 41 days in the hope that we will get all the good returns from it. In the hope that we will get our little daughter's, smile, playing and all that she want to do, back.

It is hardly to believe that we started getting the results in 25 days. God has all the powers and by his powers only, we were getting to know all about her problem. She had overcome by some evil powers because of which no doctors can explain her problem. Doctors told that she will regain her health by some medicines and exercises, but can take some time.

Now my daughter Khushi is 3 years and is recovering from the problem and gaining her health. She has started walking herself and can mange to balance her body.

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